Project objectives

The National Tobacco Strategy 2012–2018 was an actions framework with the high-level objective of reducing the national smoking rate to 10% of the population and halving the indigenous smoking rate from the 2009 baseline by 2018. The Strategy highlighted nine priority areas and outlined specific objective and outcome indicators.

Through the mid-point review, the Department of Health sought to assess progress by the Commonwealth, states and territories and non-government organisations towards meeting the policy objectives outlined in the Strategy from 1 December 2012 to 21 December 2015. The Department also aimed to identify barriers and enablers of progress and to obtain recommendations on potential areas of focus for the remaining period of the Strategy (2016–2018).

Australian Department of Health

Our approach

To address the objectives, we developed a methodology involving qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. The approach included:

  • A review of key policies and progress reports by the Commonwealth and states and territories against the nine priority areas of the Strategy.
  • Wide consultation with stakeholders, including state and territory government personnel, NGOs and academic and other experts.
  • Analysis and interpretation of the data/indicators provided by AIHW showing progress against each of the indicators outlined in the Strategy.


The review revealed that while significant progress was made against most of the nine priority areas, neither of the two benchmarks set by the COAG were likely to be achieved by 2018. Apart from detailing the findings from the review, including key achievements, barriers and enablers, the final report provided several recommendations on where Australia should focus its efforts to best achieve the objectives and priorities of the Strategy for the remaining period.

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