Project objectives

The aim of the review was to identify interventions for reducing potentially preventable hospitalisations (PPHs) and estimate their effectiveness. Australia has specified 22 conditions for which hospitalisations are considered to be potentially preventable.

Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare

Our approach

For peer reviewed literature, Medline, Embase and EconLit were searched for the period from 1 January 2010 to 3 May 2020. For grey literature, Google and websites searches were undertaken of key international organisations evaluating or commissioning evaluations of interventions aimed at reducing PPHs.

The search strategy included 93 reviews, which included meta-reviews, combined meta-reviews and systematic reviews, and systematic reviews. In addition, 123 primary studies met the inclusion criteria. None of the publications identified through the grey literature met the inclusion criteria.


The work was undertaken in the context of the 2020–25 National Health Reform Agreement, which requires that the Commission (in conjunction with the IHPA and the National Health Funding Pool Administrator), provide advice to the COAG Health Council on “options for the further development of safety and quality-related reforms, including examining ways that avoidable and preventable hospitalisations can be reduced through changes to the National Health Reform Agreement”

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