Project objectives

The objectives of the project were to:

  • Identify the extent to which the existing products met user needs and clarify the main gaps.
  • Identify levels of information which are most relevant to users.
  • Identify the most appropriate mechanisms through which statistical information could be delivered to users.
  • Provide feedback on the new structure for the Australian hospital statistics report (2008–09 publication).
  • Identify priorities for additional information to be included in future versions of the publication.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Our approach

To achieve the objectives, HPA:

  • Interviewed over 70 stakeholders across the public and private sector to obtain their views on the existing hospital statistics suite of products.
  • Analysed approaches taken on similar reporting internationally.
  • Analysed the source of the statistics, and issues in compiling, cleaning, analysing and reporting the data.

Recommendations were made to further enhance the value to users of the Australian hospital statistics suite of products.


The AIHW implemented the recommendations arising from the review.

Our vision

HPA aims to be a leading firm in specialist consulting services in the health care sector, offering qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis of evidence, providing expertise in statistics and data science, and contributing to well founded and practical policy advice. We aim to deliver the highest quality of services, helping our clients to achieve their objectives, while transferring our expertise and building their capabilities.

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